Asian Movie Month ‘Zine #2: F.E.T.U. #4


Released in 1988, the 4th issue of F.E.T.U. (Far East Thrashcore Union) came straight out of Tokyo and featured interviews with bands from all over (including SAVAGE THRUST, HADES, SYSTEMATIC DEATH, AGONY, DISARM, SACRIFICE, HOLY MOSES,  and CASBAH, , but had a lot of news, reviews, and interviews with Japanese bands you didn’t see much in other ‘zines.  It was the offbeat (for a ‘zine) comic book size and professionally printed, but black and white.  I really liked their demo review section, with each demo getting it’s own little info box telling information about it.
There were small parts of it in Japanese, but most of it was in English.  It’s style was very no nonsense and to the point.  I remember discovering HELLCHILD and ASBESTOS because of this ‘zine.  It also featured live show reviews, scene reports,  and an opinion piece on how to make your ‘zine more original.
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